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Dream Letter From President

A dream that has already endured 35 years

When you look at the past, it seems that everything was a dream.

Those who are with me at JSG know that I breathe this company 24 hours a day, and when I am overcome by fatigue, I feel that there is still much to do.

The important thing is not to be great or to be first, as many business people desire, but rather to build within people the feeling of a larger reason that goes beyond simple work. Dedicating a lifetime to an enterprise, managing with the heart above the head - everything is achieved with great struggle and great sacrifice.

JSG is a company that is different from the others because it conveys the love of a family for work. Each product we put on the market represents an effort that goes beyond what the market needs. We are proud when we are remembered by the customers and partners and friends when they are requesting for pharmaceutical primary packaging products.

Thanks to all, without distinction, who have contributed to our growth, even those who approached us without understanding our philosophy. A philosophy that preaches happiness at work. A philosophy that knows a company goes far beyond profit. We often prefer to lose rather than profit, rather than to hurt our principles.

If you are looking to work for a company that recognizes the human being first, JSG is that company.A company that fulfills young and great dreams.

Mickey Kuo

The Founder and President JSG


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